UpSkill Insights.

Gain insights from other experts, industry leaders and market participants
you wouldn't otherwise hear from.  

Gain insights from other experts, industry leaders and market participants you wouldn't otherwise hear from.  

What people are saying.

After attending the UpSkill Insights event earlier this year, which we found incredibly eye-opening, our company has implemented new guidelines for all employees, not just those in AML/CFT-covered positions. Our compliance programme has been reviewed thoroughly with further amendments made based on topics discussed during the interviews. The UpSkill Insight videos have been used as a major educational resource for our Directors, Senior Managers, and Compliance team. The feedback from our team has been overwhelmingly positive, with everyone finding the topics and areas covered in these videos extremely helpful and interesting.  

We strongly recommend the UpSkill platform to any reporting entity. It provides comprehensive coverage of everything you need to know, from regulation updates and requirements to insightful interviews with real people on relevant topics.

Director, investor relations
MIS Manager